MultiLevel Marketing - What it is and What's Wrong With MLM
The number of companies using multi-level marketing (MLM) for promoting and advertising their products has increased considerably over the past few years. In such type of marketing, each member of the organization finds new members who also promote the company products. Thus, with the addition of many members, an entire network is created which operates online for the benefit of the company. As a free home internet business and an online opportunity, MLM can help you earn that much-needed extra income, if you learn it well. So, go through the online MLM business suggestions mentioned below, to understand the basics of this business.
Facts About Online MLM Business
For all those who have their own website for the MLM business, having a list of emails and names of people is extremely essential. This is because, emails can help you get in touch with those people who can promote and market your products. So, the challenge before you is to form a large integrated chain of members, who will operate with professionalism and dedication for achieving the business targets set by the company. The pay per click advertising for MLM can also work wonders for the website owners. By finding the right kind of keywords, you will definitely be able to grab a lot of traffic. While implementing this method, it would be advisable for you to target those keywords which have less competition than those which are highly competitive.
Having good marketing skills is a must to be successful in the online MLM business. You should also have complete information about the products and services which your company offers. Posting videos on the Internet can be very useful in expanding your online MLM business. The video which can typically be of the duration of half a minute to one minute, can be posted on popular and most surfed video sites to get maximum visitors. In this video, you should speak about the offerings of your company and how these goods have a rising demand in the market. You should be able to convince people how they would benefit by getting associated with your company. You should also give a link that will direct the visitors to your website, which will be profitable for you. Online MLM secrets will help you know more.
Many people engaged in the online MLM business, prefer the method of article marketing to get more members for their company. In the article marketing method, all you have to do is write an informative and perfect article, which will give the visitors all necessary information about your products. Such articles need to be posted in article directories. Those who wish to post articles in more than one article directories, will have to make sure that the content is original for all the directories. At the end of your article, you should give a link which will help the visitors navigate to your website to seek more information. MLM home business has become a full-time earning opportunity for many people across the globe.
All those who wish to enter the online MLM business, should make sure that the website which advertises for MLM is genuine and has a sound business model. You will have to conduct a lot of research to judge which sites are legitimate and which are not. Also, you should not fall prey to words of people who guarantee you a lot of profit in a very less period of time. This is because, establishing the MLM business takes time and overnight returns are not possible. Consistent efforts can make you hugely successful in this field. So, are you ready to take up this challenge?
MLM Prospecting

There are no MLM secrets for success, you need to be a good speaker and love to talk to people about different business opportunities, this is the only route to success. But one of the most common MLM prospecting questions which people tend to ask is how to go about selling the product to people or recruiting new distributors. This is exactly the answer we will try to give you, and in the following paragraphs we give you the MLM prospecting system and scripts used by successful people.
MLM Prospecting System
There are basically 4 MLM prospecting letters which you should remember, FESS – finding, exposing, separating and system, which would help you get great MLM leads. If done right, it can yield numerous names of people, whom you would work with and make your business larger. Let’s take a look at all these steps, which would give you an idea of what exactly you would need to do.
The first and one of the most important MLM prospecting scripts is to find out the right kind of people. There are several tactics of finding out people who would take interest in your business and product. You need to have multiple ways of searching people, may be through advertising in newspapers, present your business to people on a one to one basis or may look for friends and family members who may be interested. You can also opt to create a website, but make sure to make it as user-friendly as possible. Provide a form so as to collect the contact information of the interested people.
The first and one of the most important MLM prospecting scripts is to find out the right kind of people. There are several tactics of finding out people who would take interest in your business and product. You need to have multiple ways of searching people, may be through advertising in newspapers, present your business to people on a one to one basis or may look for friends and family members who may be interested. You can also opt to create a website, but make sure to make it as user-friendly as possible. Provide a form so as to collect the contact information of the interested people.
If you have created a website, you would need to market it over the Internet. You can also opt to promote your product on social networking websites as they are quite popular and you would help you to reach a wider range of audience.
This step follows finding out the right kind of people, so once you have got a list of people who may be interested, you need to give them an idea of the company and the kind of people you are looking for. This may not necessarily be a long presentation, you may include things like a short video presentation, so that people know what you are exactly looking at. You need to make sure that you expose only the idea and not the whole information on what you are looking at. You can hand out brochures, DVDs or CDs which people can listen and see.
This step follows finding out the right kind of people, so once you have got a list of people who may be interested, you need to give them an idea of the company and the kind of people you are looking for. This may not necessarily be a long presentation, you may include things like a short video presentation, so that people know what you are exactly looking at. You need to make sure that you expose only the idea and not the whole information on what you are looking at. You can hand out brochures, DVDs or CDs which people can listen and see.
This step involves segregating people who are interested from those who do not show any interest. There would be people who are open to new ideas and those who are not open to new concepts. People who are open would listen to you, while those who are not would not listen with interest. A good way to judge people is to ask them if a particular idea makes sense to them. You would get a clear picture of whether they are in sync with your idea.
This step involves segregating people who are interested from those who do not show any interest. There would be people who are open to new ideas and those who are not open to new concepts. People who are open would listen to you, while those who are not would not listen with interest. A good way to judge people is to ask them if a particular idea makes sense to them. You would get a clear picture of whether they are in sync with your idea.
Once you have got those people who are interested in your concept, you need to get them in touch with the company’s retailing and recruiting system. You should also give them a formal presentation on your product or services.
Once you have got those people who are interested in your concept, you need to get them in touch with the company’s retailing and recruiting system. You should also give them a formal presentation on your product or services.
MLM Strategies

Multi-level marketing has to often employ these strategies to make people listen to their ideas. It has been 25 years since network marketing was introduced to the world, but besides a handful of companies there aren’t too many players you can count on. MLM strategies have been supported by eminent writers such as Robert Kiyosaki and Robert Allen. Kiyosaki’s bestseller Rich Dad, Poor Dad even has one of the chapters dedicated to explain the so-called pyramid structure in MLM. But there are many opponents who claim that multi-level prospecting system is not an ethical way of conducting a business. The lawsuits MLM companies have had to face has only marred their reputation and people are skeptical about participating in a MLM venture.
What is MLM?
Well, to understand MLM, you can think card-pyramid structure. The stability of the cards at the top depends upon the stability of the cards below them and so on. Similarly, in MLM, the profit made by the person who initiated the business venture depends on the participants working under him. In a traditional business, a salesperson is hired to sell the products of the company and he is paid a salary and a bonus for the sales that he makes. Contrary to this, in MLM prospecting, you are the owner, the marketing agent and the salesperson. You have to make sure that you are selling your products in the best possible way. Let us take a look at some of the MLM marketing strategies.
Effective MLM Strategies
- One of the first and foremost MLM marketing strategy is to present yourself in a unique way, whether you are using online MLM or the traditional marketing systems. There are a lot of competitors out there and each of them claims to be the best, so it becomes important for you to create a positive vibe among potential participants.
- While recruiting new participants, do check their areas of interest and their prospects of being in the business for the long run.
- In MLM system, people are wary of scams, (read organo gold scam) so it is important to create a trust factor before telling them to put their money in. Persuading people to invest can put them off.
- With so much of technological innovation, there are some very good MLM software and MLM tools like social networking websites, blogs, etc., which you can use to promote your business. This helps in generating MLM leads and you save on time and money. In fact, it is widely accepted that MLM companies who are able to market themselves in a better way online have better prospects of growth.
- Try to charge a no or a minimal sign up free. This way, you can increase the number of people joining your network.
- One of the long standing criticism of MLM strategies is that participants buy far greater products than they can sell. This hampers the efficiency and results in several legal issues. Make sure that you allow members to buy products again when the previously bought goods are sold.
Whatever critics have to say, MLM is there and ‘surviving’ if not ‘thriving’. So, if you have made up your mind to be a part of this business networking, make sure that you have a sound marketing strategy. I hope this article would have helped you get an insight to what is MLM and some of the effective MLM strategies.
Social Marketing

What is Social Marketing?
In simple words, social marketing is a strategy or method or way of marketing, meant solely for the development of individuals and society. It projects improvement in the physical, social and economical backgrounds of their environment. It aims for bringing awareness, changing the behavioral pattern, lifestyle, social environment for good and more. Social marketing covers various aspects of welfare, safety, security, environment and awareness. Its objective is to influence the audience for good values and responsibilities. The techniques used in social marketing are inspired from commercial or profitable marketing. Unlike commercial marketing strategies that are meant to draw huge profits only for the marketer or producer, social marketing aims to give profit to the audience, as individuals and as society altogether.
Social Marketing History
Social marketing was introduced as a discipline in the 1970s. Marketing gurus Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman, introduced the idea of implementing commercial marketing principles to be used to persuade people buy good attitude and behavior. They believed that the major interest should focus on understanding what the audience wants. They defined social marketing as ‘consumer centric’, where the profit maker is the consumer himself. This strategy was later widely introduced for social awareness in health and similar areas. In the last decade, this has largely grown in a mature and effective strategy.
Pillars of Social Marketing
When planning social marketing, the focus is on the audience and not the product. The mix of commercial marketing theories are used to implement the consumer focused goals and profits. The social marketing theory revolves around a combination of long term improvement perceptions with current marketing strategies. There are four major ideas or principles of commercial marketing that help in framing social marketing goals. We can refer to them as the four Ps. The social marketing mix adds a few more principles to enhance implementation.
The term ‘product’ does not have a literal physical meaning in social marketing. It may not necessarily mean a physical (tangible) product like any certain ‘thing’. There are myriad range of products that are introduced. Behavioral changes and practices, like encouraging a healthy habit, lifesaving or self improving attitudes, etc. Basically, they are the strategies that help in social development. Examples of products are: following a healthy diet, encouraging the use of condoms, conserving water, etc. The best way to find the most effective products is research. Research not only helps to address the need of the hour, but also helps in understanding the concerns of the consumer, so as to introduce the product that is in demand.
The term ‘product’ does not have a literal physical meaning in social marketing. It may not necessarily mean a physical (tangible) product like any certain ‘thing’. There are myriad range of products that are introduced. Behavioral changes and practices, like encouraging a healthy habit, lifesaving or self improving attitudes, etc. Basically, they are the strategies that help in social development. Examples of products are: following a healthy diet, encouraging the use of condoms, conserving water, etc. The best way to find the most effective products is research. Research not only helps to address the need of the hour, but also helps in understanding the concerns of the consumer, so as to introduce the product that is in demand.
In social marketing, price does not necessarily mean price as in monetary terms. It means the investment of efforts, time, the strength to face embarrassment and guilt, the low feeling of denial of enjoyable things, and changes to adapt to the product or to implement the product in his / her life. It refers to more emotional and social costs that a consumer has to pay. The price should not dominate the outcome of the product / benefits of the product. The objective is to keep the price to the lowest as possible to expect consumers buy the product. If the strategy communicates of the benefits being of good value for the price / investment, the goal of social marketing becomes easier to achieve.
In social marketing, price does not necessarily mean price as in monetary terms. It means the investment of efforts, time, the strength to face embarrassment and guilt, the low feeling of denial of enjoyable things, and changes to adapt to the product or to implement the product in his / her life. It refers to more emotional and social costs that a consumer has to pay. The price should not dominate the outcome of the product / benefits of the product. The objective is to keep the price to the lowest as possible to expect consumers buy the product. If the strategy communicates of the benefits being of good value for the price / investment, the goal of social marketing becomes easier to achieve.
The place here describes the way or medium to communicate the product, or make it reachable to the audience in the best possible, and least hassled way. In case of elusive products like awareness and improvements, etc., there is a larger scope as various channels can be chosen to deliver the products to the consumer, like in house demonstrations, shopping malls, public places, offices, and other media options. In case of tangible (definite) products, place can refer to the method of distribution and the place of distribution of the product. Consumers will not search for the messages or products. One has find ways to provide the opportunity to the consumer, and make it reachable easily.
The place here describes the way or medium to communicate the product, or make it reachable to the audience in the best possible, and least hassled way. In case of elusive products like awareness and improvements, etc., there is a larger scope as various channels can be chosen to deliver the products to the consumer, like in house demonstrations, shopping malls, public places, offices, and other media options. In case of tangible (definite) products, place can refer to the method of distribution and the place of distribution of the product. Consumers will not search for the messages or products. One has find ways to provide the opportunity to the consumer, and make it reachable easily.
Marketing Concept

“The societal [social] marketing concept holds that the organization’s task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors, in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer’s and the society’s well-being.“
Understanding Societal Marketing
Social marketing concept has become one of the big differentiators in the success of products in the recent years. The reason being that the past two decades have led to tremendous degradation of the environment. The issue of global warming has become the central topic of debates in almost all international conferences. Moreover, increasing awareness about pollution has created a mass awareness (to some extent) in citizens of various nations. Now as aware customers, people are purchasing products that are eco-friendly. From light bulbs to plastics, today’s consumers ensure that they can at least, to some extent, contribute in curbing of the threats of pollution.
In such pressing situations, marketing concepts have gone through numerous transformations. Every company has expanded its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) works and they’re trying to ‘Go Green’ in the manufacturing of their products. Many industry experts relate the societal marketing as an off shot branch of corporate social responsibility. By contributing in the manufacturing of products that are environmental friendly, safe to use and economical, firms are doing their bit to ensure success of their marketing campaigns and polish theircorporate branding image.
So, in essence, societal marketing aims mutual benefits of the marketer, consumer and the society on a whole. By purchasing products and services marketed through societal marketing, citizens feel a sense of accomplishment and they can relate to the concept of ‘good corporate citizenship’. In today’s scenario, only companies adopting societal marketing concept are able to thrive in the competition of developing more efficient, more innovative and nature friendly products.
One of the brilliant concepts related to societal marketing is the initiative taken by IDEA Cellular Ltd., a leading Indian mobile operator, with nearly 58 million subscribers under the brand IDEA and having global presence in 20 countries. This mobile operator firm has taken a great step to educate the whopping 500 million mobile customers in India, to use mobile judiciously and save paper. By making Ads that appeal people to creatively use mobile phones and save paper, IDEA has carved a niche for itself in marketing its telecoms services. Similarly, many companies are recycling their products and reselling them at cheaper prices to ensure the environment remains safe.
Marketing Theory

Social Marketing Theory
Social marketing theory is deeply influenced by the marketing philosophy, that people will make efforts to change their behavior, thinking and attitude, if they perceive the give and take between the social marketer and them being of good value to their investments. Social marketing concept is just like other commercial marketing or profitable marketing that convinces people to buy the product. It focuses on the concepts like research, the structure of ideas, market segmentation, communication, execution and provision of their services. Unlike commercial marketing that profits the marketer or producer, social marketing profits the consumer / audience. The primary goals of social marketing include welfare, safety, security, environment and awareness. It strongly determines to bring out behavioral changes and practices for good.
Social Marketing Principles
The theory of social marketing relies on basic principles, we can term them as the four Ps – Product, Price, Promotion and Place. Let us understand a little more about these techniques and their nature of work.
- Product: Product in social marketing plan can be described in two parts- 1. Tangible products like some ‘thing’, for example, oral contraceptives, vaccines, condoms etc. and 2. Non tangible (conceptual) products like behavior, addictions, attitudes, for example, eating fruits and vegetables for good health, quit smoking etc. It is important to understand the needs, demands and the nature of the issues to mold them in products. Effective research plays an important role here.
- Price: The economic definition of price contrasts the social marketing meaning of price. Here the price refers to investment by the consumer/ audience. This investment or price can be non monetary like efforts, time, psychological and social costs, the embarrassment and guilt, the feeling of not being able to enjoy a certain habit, etc. The price the consumer has to pay should not be higher than the benefits that he will reap from the product. Low costs ensure the selling of the product. The strategy should convey the benefits being of full value to the cost or price the consumer pays, this will draw more audience and hence the sale.
- Place: The distribution of products requires a platform to ensure good and smooth distribution. To make the product reachable and available to the consumer, a wide and effective platform should be chosen. For tangible products, place means the method of distribution, whereas for non tangible products a better platform is achieved, as the place can be in house demonstrations, shopping malls, public places, offices, and other media options. The place should be visible to your consumer, as they will not hunt for your products and messages.
- Promotion: Selling of a product hugely relies on its promotions. In social marketing, promotions means the various methods used to create visibility of the product. This can be closely related to promotions of commercial marketing as well, where various streams are used for promotions. Examples of promotions are using advertising, media events and programs, coupons, etc. A large view of promotions is gathered by advertising, public relations, personal selling and encouragement by the media. Enhancing the product value, creating and sustaining the market position of the product also is a major responsibility in promotions.
Apart from these main principles, other factors like funds for the product and campaign, partnerships for wider and better social marketing, policies that mark the standard of social marketing, are also an integral part of social-marketing theory. Social marketing examples are strikingly visible in health care and social awareness sectors today. They have almost covered a lot of issues and have been successful in resolving them as well.
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